2024. 09. 09. - 2024. 09. 10. | House of Music Hungary & Museum of Ethnography
AI Summit 2024
Ally or enemy?

Martin H. Thelle (Denmark)
Senior Partner
Implement Consulting Group
Martin H. Thelle is a Senior Partner at Implement Consulting Group and leads the economics practice. He has worked as a professional economist for more than 25 years. He specializes in complex industries such as digital industries, telecom, media, creative industries, transportation and professional services. Advising companies, regulators, and policymakers in his fields of expertise including economic modelling, competition, regulation and international trade. He was previously Managing Partner of Copenhagen Economics and before that an economist in the Danish Energy Authority.
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Eszter Török
+36 30 487 4912
1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 48-66.