2024. 09. 09. - 2024. 09. 10. | House of Music Hungary & Museum of Ethnography
AI Summit 2024
Ally or enemy?

Dr. Frederik G. Pferdt (USA)
Google's First and Former Chief Innovation Evangelist
Dr. Frederik’s mission is to inspire people to invent their future and he believes creativity exists in all of us - the #1 human superpower to shape one’s future.
As Google’s First and Former Chief Innovation Evangelist, he has led the growth of the company’s fabled innovation culture since 2010 and he has worked with tens of thousands of leaders to support innovation across the organization.
Since 2013, he has been an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University’s d.school, where he teaches graduate classes on navigating the future at the intersection of innovation, creativity, and design.
As a global thought leader on the subject of innovation, creativity and futures, Dr. Frederik has built and trained communities of innovation catalysts, ambassadors, and coaches for organizations including Adidas, UBER, Bayer, Daimler, the FBI, the German Soccer Association, Lufthansa, NASA, the NBA, SAP, Seoul Digital Forum, and governments from more than 25 countries around the world.
With his award-winning approach, he served as Innovation Consultant to the United Nations (UN) and is a member of the “Hall of Fame” at Paderborn University.
In Dr. Frederik’s new book, a 2024 Next Big Idea Club MUST-READ: "What’s Next Is Now - How to Live Future Ready" he shares an inspiring guide for those looking to shape their remarkable future.
Born near Lake Constance, Germany, and educated in Germany, Shanghai, Cape Town, California, Buenos Aires, and New York, he currently lives a nature-centric lifestyle above Silicon Valley in the Santa Cruz Mountains, where he draws inspiration from the playfulness and explorer mindsets of his three children.
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Eszter Török
+36 30 487 4912
1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 48-66.