2024. 09. 09. - 2024. 09. 10. | House of Music Hungary & Museum of Ethnography

AI Summit 2024

Ally or enemy?


Szolnoki Szabolcs

Deputy State Secretary
Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium

“CURRENTLY... As Deputy State Secretary for Technology at the Ministry for Economic Development of Hungary, my primary mission is to design and implement programs which foster the technological maturity level improvement among Hungarian companies. I am also a researcher at John von Neumann University and a PhD candidate.

IN THE PAST... As the Chief Innovation Officer to the President my primary assignment was counseling and generating project initiatives related to university-centric innovation ecosystems. As the founder of an international NGO I was dealing with innovation and humanitarian technology transfer. Earlier, as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Valorisation at Express Innovation Agency my role was to make scientific insights available and useable to industry; transforming knowledge and technology into something tangible for the benefit of the society and the economy. I used to be the former Deputy CEO for Innovation and Business Development at EAC Group, the most emerging multi-strategy firm in the CEE region operating consulting, investment and IT technology development arms. Between 2017-2022 as the diplomat for scientific and technological affairs in Tel-Aviv, my job was initiating projects mainly in cybersecurity, fintech, life sciences, mobility and space-industry. I am also the former head of startup relations of the governmental Export Promotion Agency (HEPA) and former head and concept developer of Budapest capital city’s municipal startup incubator and microfinance provider (BVK). At the begining of my carreer I worked as an employment policy expert at the Ministry for Economy and earlier at a parliamentary group. I am involved in co-managing our family's enterprises. “

10:25 09.09.2024.
AI Act
Artificial Intelligence Agency in the EU

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Exhibitor application

Ask our colleague about the appearance options and conditions:

Eszter Török

+36 30 487 4912



1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 48-66.