2024. 09. 09. - 2024. 09. 10. | House of Music Hungary & Museum of Ethnography

AI Summit 2024

Ally or enemy?


Dr. Tuan Trinh

Regional Director
EIT Digital

Tuan Trinh received his Ph. D. (cum laude) in Computer Science from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), where he founded the Network Economics Group focusing on research, development and consulting on disruptive technologies in the frontier between economics and network technologies.

Tuan Trinh has 15+ years experience as tech leader and innovator with a strong background in R&D.
He has a broad background in ICT, both in industry and in academia. He received his MSc degree in Compute Science and his PhD in the same field at the Budapest University of Technology (BME) and Economics, Hungary. He worked as an associated professor in Computer Science at Corvinus University of Budapest, and as a visiting professor at University of Bern, Switzerland. Tuan Trinh has been invited as a visiting scientist at Ericsson Research Budapest (Hungary), British Telecom (UK), Eurecom Institute (France), University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), ILNAS Luxembourg, among others. He also acted as an evaluator of funded projects for the European Commission and Hungarian government.
One of the main highlights of his carrier was to take a leading part in the foundation of two innovation centres focusing on Education-Research-Business integration at universities, namely the Network Economics Group at BME focusing on innovation on distruptive technologies in the frontier between economics and network technology and the Fintech Centre at Corvinus University of Budapest, an innovation centre focusing on Financial Technology.
Tuan Trinh is a recipient of the Pollák-Virág prize from the Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications.

11:50 09.09.2024.
AI Trends
AI for Competitiveness!

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Eszter Török

+36 30 487 4912



1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 48-66.