2024. 09. 09. - 2024. 09. 10. | House of Music Hungary & Museum of Ethnography

AI Summit 2024

Ally or enemy?


Dr. George Tilesch

Founder and President
PHI INSTITUTE for Augmented Intelligence

DR. GEORGE TILESCH is a senior global innovation and AI expert, executive, consultant, and author, primarily in the transatlantic space. For over 25 years, George has been active as a cross-sector and cross-industry strategist and conduit between innovation and AI ecosystems worldwide and as a trusted advisor for world leaders.

His global senior executive and strategy consulting leadership track record span decades with government leaders on all continents (USA, EU, Dubai); Microsoft, Ipsos, Fortune 50 Tech corporations and large enterprises across all industries; international organizations and global think tanks (World Economic Forum, Club de Madrid); startups/scaleups; and global social innovation leaders. He is specialized in the strategy, ethical, policy, and governance aspects and impact of AI.
Dr. Tilesch is also the co-author of the 2020 book BetweenBrains: Taking Back our AI Future. As a C-suite advisor, researcher, convener, keynote speaker, and guest lecturer at major universities, George is headquartered in Silicon Valley and circling the globe in pursuit of delivering on PHI Institute’s mission: Doing AI Well. He is on the board of advisors for Harvard’s Experfy AI Talent platform and the AI Ambassador of Neumann Society. Recently, he was awarded a honorary doctorate by Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis.

13:40 10.09.2024.
AI in enterprises
Post-hype, how to walk the AI path with confidence: lessons for Leadership
18:05 09.09.2024.
Round table
VIP - EY Networking Zone
Leaders who do AI: Navigating the complexity of AI with confidence

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Exhibitor application

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Eszter Török

+36 30 487 4912



1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 48-66.